INNER ACCESS with Kabral Sharpe, seminar leader and self-empowerment coach


Sharon Rainey: (Singer, Songwriter, Musician, and Performer) "I attended Kabral's Dreambuilder seminar and I immediately wanted more! I knew that Kabral had the tools to help me change my life. Kabral has helped me realize a greater self worth as a singer, songwriter, musician, and performer."

Kyle Thomas:
(Music producer, President and CEO of 327 Music Group) " INNER ACCESS is Amazing!!! Most people in life put a lot more time and energy into there nine to five jobs then they do into their own personal goals. INNER ACCESS gives you the structure and support to follow your dreams."

Holly Kinnaird:
(Author) I think of Kabral as unflinchingly positive, a fortress of positive energy. He gives me encouragement, he listens to my circumstances, he sees my personality traits but never once tried to judge or assess them, instead he insisted that I could own my creativity and success simply because I am human and I desire it.


Inner Access Introductory Course

If a genie said to you that you could have whatever you want, or create whatever your heart desires, and that time and money were not a factor, what would you ask for?

If you would like to pursue the answer to this question, INNER ACCESS Dreambuilder is the key.

INNER ACCESS Dreambuilder is a unique seminar that propels you into a world of inner discovery, from which you design the blueprint, and plot the necessary course of action to make your dream take form in your life. Through a variety of exercises, interactive activities, and guided visualizations, participants will develop techniques that enable them to focus their vision and create a project that will shape their lives.

Through INNER ACCESS Dreambuilder you will:

  • Learn the secret tools to transform procrastination, fear, and worry into massive action.
  • Design a project that inspires and calls you to action.
  • Leave the seminar with an actual plan as well as strategies to reach the completion of your project.
  • Have an exciting opportunity to enroll in one on one coaching in the months ahead to provide you with support, guidance, insight and enthusiasm in making your vision a reality.


    to be announced
    to be announced
    to be announced
    RSVP by telephone at 718-897-2949
    or email @

    Mail payment to
    P.O. Box 750057
    Forest Hills, NY 11375

* Early registration by personal check must be submitted seven (7) days in advance of seminar.

Note: A $20 fee will be charged for returned checks.

Registration by cash only on day of seminar.

    Special Introductory Offer

    Included with payment is one complimentary consultation and one free coaching session.

Kabral Sharpe, founder of INNER ACCESS, is a successful self-empowerment coach, motivator and actor. INNER ACCESS is committed to the achievement, growth and expansion of the individual. Through its programs, people gain access to their inner power in their quest to fulfill their dreams.

INNER ACCESS ©2000-2011